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Top 10 of The Most Hated Software Ever

by The Dope Lists

The most hated software ever – let’s talk about this.

Software programs are designed to help and benefit – at least, by presumption, that is the way they should be. Still, there are obviously those who are unloved. And the most curious fact is that without some of them you simply can’t work on a computer! 

Interestingly, those who deserved a place in this ranking are definitely listed as the most hated. This is unlikely to have been suggested by their creators, but the facts speak of the following leaders among the most hated software of all time (at least so far). Here’s what we at the Dope Lists can suggest:

Final Cut Pro X

final cut pro x meme

Imagine expecting the perfect video editing software. And here it is, created by Apple! Yes, it’s not a bad idea at all, but it was this edition that turned even the most flaw-tolerant editor into a fierce dissatisfied person. The product was sold as an upgrade, but in fact, it was a brand new version 1.0 product. In practice, this means that it does not have all the features or even compatibility that users expected so much.

Adobe Reader

PDFs are definitely needed – there is hardly a modern office that does not use them. Adobe Reader should be an absolute help, but it turns out to be annoying enough that you hate it, as it keeps putting a shortcut on your desktop, and for no good reason, makes you install. Once you have done it, it doesn’t stop. It keeps muttering that you haven’t installed another huge update. These pop-up messages can drive even the calmest user crazy.

Adobe Flash

adobe flash meme

This software has several advantages – after all, it is made to be a powerful and useful creative tool for all those who consider themselves more than simple users. But Flash can be highly annoying, and more specifically, annoying home screens, poorly designed ads, or even terrifying user interfaces. And yet, many Internet users installed Flash blockers in a new browser for obvious reasons. Now it’s dead, so let’s say this – R.I.P.

Ask Toolbar

ask toolbar meme

Browser toolbars should do the job of feeding the right tool. But the Ask Toolbar is really bad. In other words – with inappropriate behavior. First, it self-installs without permission; then, it makes various changes to the browser settings and advertises itself as software for children. These things cause, at the very least, inconvenience. It’s like guests come to you without asking, insisting that they will be of use to you…

Lotus Notes

You’ll probably object that this is outdated, but let’s remember, we’re looking at the most hated software programs of all time. IT departments once liked this popular messaging and collaboration system, but the mass users were not so enthusiastic. In the mid-2000s, the product was widely criticized, arguing that it appeared to have been created by someone who seemed to hate humanity and, therefore, made it suffer. This software is a kind of a big lesson that the average user likes not everything about the business. Nowadays, there is a better version of Lotus Notes than the one from the mid-2000s. 

Norton Antivirus

Norton Antivirus

Antivirus programs have always been welcome, apart from this one. The Symantec desktop antivirus software provoked fair consumer anger because it used to slow down your computer unbearably. The main problem was that the program, with the best of intentions, was trying to do too much, as to scan every possible thing you do on the computer. The thing is, it takes an awful lot of resources, especially if you need a super-fast computer. The good thing is that in this case, too, there is an improvement – the lesson is clearly learned because today Norton has paid attention to its solid shortcomings from before.

Microsoft Word

How can you hate the main program of Microsoft Office!? The fact is, however, that it is hated for various reasons: according to some, it is too complicated; according to others, it is idiotically simple, and according to others, the trouble was that they send Docx files that older versions do not open, which requires correcting the document. To what extent these stated reasons for hatred are justified? We leave it to you to judge. 

iTunes for Windows

itunes for windows

Despite the phrase of the late Steve Jobs, who called iTunes for Windows “like giving a glass of ice water to a man in hell,” the truth is that instead of demonstrating benefits, iTunes on Windows seems designed to suppress them. This version of Windows appears to be a slow, resource-consuming monster.

Windows Me and Windows Vista

Created simultaneously, these two operating systems share a place in the current ranking because they have similar shortcomings. Windows Me is just a pointless update to Windows 98 and Windows Vista because it didn’t work as expected. Vista itself was supposed to be a great operating system. Still, it turned out to be flawed – for example, copying a file could easily take ages, and the lack of initial driver support made the software not so convenient.

Internet Explorer 6

It is good that this misunderstanding is a thing of the past. The problem was not in the browser itself, because for its time, it looked pretty good when it was released in 2001. The trouble was that Microsoft refused to update it for years, which, of course, created a lot of problems.

internet explorer

The listed software is hated, but this ranking is not intended to be anti-advertising. It is built on the opinions, shares, and personal experiences of many users around the world. And let’s end optimistically: failure is the mother of success. The new versions just need to be better and meet the needs of today’s users! Otherwise, they will surely die, as happened with some of the above-stated software programs.

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