
Top 10 Mysteries for Which Scientists Have No Answer

Even science can't answer to these questions just yet.

by Iva Rizova

Undoubtedly, science is very advanced, and we hear about innovation or discovery almost every day. Nonetheless, there are still some seemingly simple questions that scientists cannot answer. We at The Dope Lists have collected the Top 10 mysteries that are still a riddle to scientists.

Why do cats purr?


It happened to everyone to play with a cat, and then it curled up in a ball on your lap and began to purr. But why do they do that? That’s one of the curious mysteries about these wonderful animals. We would impulsively answer they purr because they enjoy caressing. But is that really the case? For a long time, the very mechanism that produces the sound we call purring was also unknown. Nowadays, the reason for the cat’s purr is the subject of debate. One hypothesis is that purring is actually related to promoting bone growth caused by the frequency of vibrations. It has nothing to do with pleasure, does it?

What is dark matter?

dark matter

The mysteries of Space! The composition of matter is made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. But our knowledge of astrophysics and cosmology is clearly not enough to clarify what dark matter is made of.  The task is further complicated because it cannot be observed with the modern methods we have. Still, it can be detected due to its gravitational effects on matter. As a result, scientists conclude that dark matter is likely to have an enormous mass to have such gravitational forces and do not rule out the possibility that dark matter is larger than matter.

Left-handed and right-handed people


In about 90% of the world’s population, the right hand is better developed than the left. Studies show that approximately 10% of people are left-handed, mostly men. There are people in whom both hands are equally developed – the so-called ambidexters. Scientists are still unable to determine the cause. It is thought that a gene is responsible for this, but so far, it has not been identified. At the same time, many parents consider left-handed to be almost a disability and do their best to teach their child to use his/her right hand. One of the most common theories is that the brain of left-handed and right-handed people is developed differently.

Why do we dream?


It has been found that we spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping and an average of 6 years dreaming. Regardless of age, we have several dreams each night with an approximate duration of 5 to 20 minutes or, mathematically speaking, about 2 hours each night. We were surprised by this result, too, because we do not remember most of our dreams and accept them as a phenomenon rather than a routine. The reason for this is that during sleep, the brain does not perform the functions responsible for memorizing information. Scientists still can’t explain why we dream. A common belief among people is that we often dream either of something we are afraid of or something we crave. It’s one of the mysteries we can’t stop thinking about.

Why are there different blood types?


For centuries, transfusing blood from one person to another has been considered absurd. Later, the practice of donating animal blood to sick patients emerged. In most cases, this intervention hastened their deaths. It was not until the 19th century that the British physician James Blundel dared to experiment with human blood transfusions. Six out of 10 volunteers died, but he had no way of knowing that people could only receive a certain type of blood. Karl Landsteiner was the first to conduct experiments in the field, and in 1900 he discovered that people had different blood types. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930. Philip Levine found that some people have rhesus factor, and according to Peter D’Adamo, blood types are the result of evolution. Though this has not been proven, no one knows what the function of blood groups is.

Why do we yawn?


Like the dream situation, scientists can’t explain why we yawn. There are various theories. The most common is that our body signals us to yawn when the situation we are in causes boredom or when we need sleep. Recently, scientists have focused on the idea that yawning is a way to thermoregulate the brain. But have you ever been with someone, he/she yawned, and immediately after that, you felt the need to yawn? This is the essence of the theory that considers yawning as an expression of social empathy. Studies show that psychopaths are not prone to yawning in empathy. Despite the theories, it is not clear what is the reason for this daily habit.

Quantum entanglement


Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon in which the quantum state of one particle of a given group depends on that of other particles, regardless of the distance between them. This creates a significant discrepancy between classical and quantum physics. Albert Einstein is trying to study the phenomenon with two other scientists, which gives rise to the so-called Einstein-Podolski-Rosen paradox, according to which such behavior of particles is impossible because it violates the principle of locality. The study of the phenomenon is further complicated because an attempt to study any of the particles involved in entanglement leads to the collapse of the whole system.



Antimatter was discovered relatively recently, thanks to the world’s largest research company based in Switzerland. What distinguishes it from matter? The answer is hidden in the composition of both. Antimatter is made up of particles with opposite electrical charges to the particles that make up matter. We know for sure that although it is extremely unstable, it is the most powerful energy source that exists. Only one gram of antimatter has the destructive energy of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. It is not yet known how it appeared or why it exists. If you’re a fan of conspiracy theories and want to know more about antimatter, read Dan Brown’s novel Angels and Demons.

What happens when we die?


Is there life after death? One of the most significant mysteries ever. This is a question that probably worries most of the world’s population. And the irony is that we’ll probably never know. Billions of people have learned the answer to this question, but … they can’t tell us because they are dead. Are there hell and heaven? What happens to our soul and mind after we leave this world? Scientists understand the death process and how the body gradually shuts down all its functions, but what happens after the heart and the brain stop functioning is a complete mystery.

The end of the world


When the end of the world comes is the other question that excites humanity. However, it is connected at the moment when we will all understand what happens after death. Do you remember the date December 20, 2012? According to the Mayan calendar, the day that was supposed to be the last? Although there are recalculations of when will be the last day on Earth, no one can say when it will happen. It’s just one of these mysteries we don’t know anything about. What we do know is that it will undoubtedly come someday. After all, everything has a beginning and an end, right?

It seems that the more science advances, the more questions arise, judging by the fact that a sign of a person’s intelligence is the realization of how little he/she actually knows. Will we ever have answers for these mysteries? We certainly hope so!

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